Terms and Conditions

Key Terms of Agreement for Provision of Storage Facility for Storage Goods


Storage Services:


01.Company provides storage services for goods. Storage of small items is carried out using plastic crates. It is also possible to store items in cardboard boxes or other packaging provided by Client. Storage of furniture, electronics, and household appliances (of any size), as well as archives, is welcome.


02.Company offers commercial storage services in its warehouse facilities.  


2.1. When storing goods using crates provided by Company, Company does not keep records of the crates’ contents. Crates are sealed, and Company carries no responsibility for proper packaging of the items stored in it. Client is responsible for the proper packaging of crates’ content. Crates are sealed and secured in the client's presence before being stored and is opened only in the client's presence (except in cases specified in this agreement).  


2.2.When storing goods in Client's boxes and/or items that are not packed in Storage crates, Client is responsible for properly packaging their belongings to ensure their preservation during storage, and Company assumes no liability for any damage resulting from inadequate packaging.  


2.3. Storage of large items, including furniture and electronics, is carried out on pallets. Client is responsible for properly packaging their belongings to ensure their preservation during storage, and Company assumes no liability for any damage resulting from inadequate packaging.  


2.4. The location of storage within Company's warehouse is determined solely at Company's discretion.


Client's Declarations and Obligations:


03.Client declares that he/she is aware that Company carries no responsibility for the contents of the storage crates or any other stored items, and that the client is renting Company's services solely for the purpose of storing goods.  


04.Client declares that the stored goods belong to him/her and are in his/her possession. 


05.Client declares that it has been explained to him/her, and he/she agrees that he/she bears full and exclusive responsibility for packaging the goods, which must be packed in a manner that ensures their safety and integrity during transportation and storage. Client agrees that Company is not responsible for the integrity of goods that were improperly packed.  


06.Client declares and agrees that the stored goods will be considered intact and undamaged if there is no visible damage to the container and/or the packaging of goods placed on the pallet.


07.Client declares that he/she is aware that it is strictly prohibited to store the following goods in the container or on the allocated pallet:


- Weapons, explosives, flammable materials (gas, oil, kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel, paints, varnishes, lighter fluid/refills, nail polish remover, etc.), fireworks, and similar.


- Organic products: fruits, vegetables, meat, cheese, jam, pickles, and/or any other products that may emit odors or spoil.


- Animals, birds, insects, reptiles, fungal and bacterial cultures, and similar.


- Goods whose storage is prohibited by law, such as: drugs, stolen property, prohibited pornographic materials, and any other items whose storage may result in criminal liability for Client.


- Goods or items that emit odors, noises, or change texture, as well as goods made of toxic materials and/or those that emit odors and gases.


- Electrical and electronic devices that may emit sounds, devices from which batteries and chargers have not been removed, items that may uncontrollably change shape, as well as items that may damage crates, boxes on pallets, other clients' items, or Company employees.


- Liquids of any type.


08.Access to Stored Goods: Client is aware that in order to access items stored in Company's warehouse, he/she must schedule a visit in advance (2 business days), and access is provided only in the presence of Company’s representative.




09.Client is aware that each storage crate is insured as part of Company's services against theft and/or fire for an amount up to 300 shekels per crates or 300 shekels per cubic meter (m³).  


10.If Client wishes to increase the insured value of the contents, he/she must contact Company's administration and pay for additional services.


Additional Services Provided by Company:


11.Crate rental services – rental of storage crates from Company with delivery to Client's home, both for storage at Company's warehouse and for Client's personal transportation.


12.Services for the collection and return of crates and large items to and from Company's warehouse.


Company's Obligations:


13.Company commits to the following towards Client:


13.1. To ensure the safety and integrity of the box, which is wrapped and sealed with Company's seal in Client's presence, as well as to maintain the integrity and security of the packaging and safety tape used to wrap an individual item.


13.2. To ensure that Company's storage facility is closed and inaccessible to the general public for security purposes.


13.3. To refrain from using Client's boxes, personal belongings, and items without their consent, and not to provide them to third parties, except in cases where the use of the box or item is necessary to ensure the safety of Client and/or the public and does not contradict this agreement and/or as stipulated in the exceptions outlined in this agreement.


13.4. Company will allow Client to compile, for their needs, an inventory list of the box's contents and to photograph the packed items from above. All data will be entered into Client's personal account.